We have very unique services, products and free articles that will provide the missing link to all your efforts. We offer non-diet and non-exercise options to help people lose weight, including learning how to re-program the subconscious mind to help reach any goal. These tools provide the emotional and spiritual support that is often missing in most weight-loss plans. For example, you will learn that it is possible to release the cellular memory and to shift deeply-ingrained attitudes on body image and eating.
Does This Mean I can eat all I Want and Sit on a Couch and Watch TV and Still Lose Weight?
“Non-diet” and “non-exercise” does not mean that you are not aware of your diet and your exercise. In fact, we trust that you have already become an expert by now on these subjects. Of course, we support proper nutrition and proper activity to incorporate into your plan! The distinction here is that, as you likely know, when you make these two things the SOLE focus, you are left with unsatisfying or non-permanent results. So to clarify, our non-diet guidance is meant to be IN ADDITION to a well-balanced plan, not INSTEAD.