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The 7 Myths That Prevent Permanent Weight-Loss
“‘7 Myths that Prevent Permanent Weight Loss’ are a challenge to the programmed and patterned belief systems related to obesity. I encourage people who struggle with excess body fat to read them and consider how their mind and emotions may have contributed to a lack of success.”
—Janet Cunningham, Ph.D., author of Weight Loss Breakthroughs,
and Inner Selves: the Feminine Path to Weight Loss
“I applaud your attempt to dispel the myth that fat people overeat, and that the key to weight loss is feeling better about yourself — as long as this attitude change component is part of a larger comprehensive program. This must include individual diagnosis of metabolism, psychology, nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle.”
—Stephen R. Van Schoyck, Ph.D., Author of
The Burn Rate Diet, the first nutritional plan to
acknowledge that your metabolic rate is purely unique to you.
“‘The 7 Myths that Prevent Permanent Weight Loss’ are a useful start to breaking the mindset so prevalent among overweight people. They will assist those who wish to begin their journey to a healthier and leaner self.”
—David E. Norwood, Ph.D., Food Scientist, for 12 years providing
accurate scientific advice and information on weight
loss. Author of the Norwood Weight Loss Program
“This information will heal many people.”
—Julie Platus, Well-Being Consultant/ Certified Yoga Teacher/
Columnist to Glamour Magazine, Los Angeles, CA