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Slim Photo
“If you have trouble imagining yourself thin, this photo on your refrigerator may be a powerful totem.”
—Michael R. Eades, M.D., & Mary Dan Eades, M.D.,
Authors, Protein Power
“These are really nice. Although I wanted them mostly for a ‘quick fix,’ I am surprised that it really is inspiring, and I will likely have some more full body photos done, for the motivational aspect. I’ve been trying for some time to lose weight and this could be a great additional tool. I quickly learned that it must take not only some considerable technological skill, but the touch of an artist to keep it looking real. Very amazing. Please thank the person who actually did these.”
—LH, Berryville, VA
“Look thin in seven days without dieting or working out!”
—Self Magazine
“…the photos make great holiday cards for ex-spouses and former boyfriends.”
—Chicago Tribune
“You’re showing me what I can become. What an inspiration — now it is no longer something I can’t visualize.”
—Yolanda Lebarton
Pacific Palisades, CA
“This is an incredible tool, especially for people who have a hard time visualizing what they would look like thin.”
—Anaïs Devi Palacios, Health Consultant
Los Angeles, CA