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Body-Type Classification Chart
“Your chart greatly facilitated data collection in this study by providing clear, unambiguous body-type ratings.”
—Barbara Wells,
Doctoral Student in
Counseling Psychology
“I have today purchased a copy of your body type classification chart – it is superb, just what I have been looking for to help me with my undergraduate research.”
—Lisa Randle, UK
“I applaud your effort to educate the public that a great variety of body-types are ‘perfect’ as long as they are the result of good activity levels, good diet and generally good health. A lot of unhealthful behavior results when people try to coerce their bodies into the shape of a ‘fashionable ideal.’”
—Edward H. Pitts, Founder & Co-Publisher of
Fitness Management Magazine,
Solana Beach, CA
“The diagrams on body type are enough to free anyone from years of suffering due to holding on to a distorted self-image.”
—Julie Platus, Well-Being Consultant/ Certified Yoga Teacher/
Columnist to Glamour Magazine, Los Angeles, CA
“This body-type classification is probably the fairest and most specific of classifications that I’ve seen. Also, it provides a much more realistic goal to a student.”
—Raul Masvidal, B.A.
Physical Training and Sports Instruction, Los Angeles, CA